Matthew E. Anderson

Biographical Sketch


Department of Physics                                                                  Phone:  (619) 594-2468

San Diego State University                                                           Fax:  (619) 594-5485

5500 Campanile Drive                                                                  Email:

San Diego, California   92182-1233           


Professional Preparation


            Undergraduate Institution: The University of California at San Diego, Physics, B.S, 6/90.

            Graduate Institution: The University of Oregon, Physics, Ph.D., 1/98.

            Postdoc: The Institute of Optics, Univ. of Rochester, Ultrafast Pulse Measurement, 1998-2000.




2006 – present      Associate Professor, Department of Physics, San Diego State University

2012 - present      Visiting Associate Research Scientist, The University of California at San Diego

2007-2008           Visiting Professor, University of Oxford, UK (sabbatical)

2000-2006           Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, San Diego State University

1998- 2000          Postdoctoral Fellow, The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester

1999- 2000          Instructor, The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester

1998-1999           Instructor, Department of Physics, Rochester Institute of Technology

1993- 1998          Research Assistant, Department of Physics, University of Oregon

1990- 1993          Graduate Teaching Fellow, Department of Physics, University of Oregon


Related Publications

  1. “Learning Glass – An engaging new tool in STEM education,” Shawn Firouzian†**, Chris Rasmussen, Matt Anderson, Legacy of RL Moore / IBL conference, Austin Texas June 2015.
  2.  “Ultra–large field-of-view two-photon microscopy,” Philbert S. Tsai, Celine Mateo, Jeffrey J. Field, Christopher B. Schaffer, Matthew E. Anderson and David Kleinfeld, Optics Express 23, 13833, (2015).
  3.  “Measuring the topological charge of ultra-broadband, optical-vortex beams with a triangular aperture,” Matthew E. Anderson, Heath Bigman,  Luís E. E. de Araujo, and Jan L. Chaloupka, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 29, 1968 (2012).
  4. “Experimental realization of the devils vortex Fresnel-lens with a programmable spatial light modulator,” Mark Mitry, Danielle Doughty, Jan Chaloupka, and Matthew E. Anderson, Appl. Opt. 51, 4103 (2012).
  5.  “Measuring vortex charge with a triangular aperture,” Luis de Araujo and Matthew E. Anderson, Opt. Lett. 36, 787 (2011).


Additional Publications

  1.  “Gold-SPIDER: spectral phase interferometry for direct electric field reconstruction utilizing sum-frequency generation from a gold surface,” Matthew E. Anderson, Tobias Witting, and Ian A. Walmsley, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 25, pp. A13-A16 (2008).
  2. “Two-photon absorption and blue-light induced red absorption in LiTaO3 waveguides,” Andy Carson and Matthew E. Anderson, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 23, 1129-1136 (2006).
  3. “Simplified Spectral Phase Interferometry for Direct Electric-field Reconstruction using a thick nonlinear crystal,” Aleksandr S. Radunsky, Ellen M. Kosik Williams, Matthew E. Anderson , Piotr Wasylczyk, Wojciech Wasilewski, Alfred B. U'Ren, and Ian A. Walmsley, Opt. Lett. 31, 1008-1010 (2006).
  4. “Compressing femtosecond laser pulses non-iteratively,” Matthew E. Anderson, Josh Thornes, and Phillip Poon, Optics & Photonics News, “Optics in 2004,” 15, 43, (December 2004).
  5.  “So you want to be a professor!  Tales from an academic job search.” M. E. Anderson, Physics Today special issue on Careers and Physicists, 54, 50 (April 2001).


Synergistic Activities

  1. Advisor:  SDSU Society of Physics Students.  The group has regular meetings, barbecues, movie night, and the students offer free tutoring to lower-division students.  I am proud to say that we received an Outstanding Chapter Award from the National SPS Office.  Most recently, I advised a team of 5 students competing in the NASA sponsored Solar Spectrograph Competition 2012, held in Bozeman, Montana.  The team won “Best presentation and Student Outreach” Award, which included a $3000 scholarship and an invitation to view the IRIS launch at Vandenberg Air Force Base.
  2. Member:  Distinguished Traveling Lecturer Committee.  I serve on the DTL Committee of the APS Division of Laser Science.  We are charged with sending top-notch scientists (i.e. Nobel Laureate Eric Cornell) to small colleges and universities that could otherwise not afford them.  During my four-year tenure on this committee, we have found great success and expanded the program by a factor of two.
  3. Online educator: I have developed a novel approach to online education, called “Learning Glass.”  In this approach, the instructor delivers his or her chalk talk on a transparent screen, thereby maintaining full facial contact while facing the camera the entire time.  A description of this approach may be found here:  I have received two grants to help develop the concept: a Presidential Leadership Fund award from SDSU ($10k) and a Promising Course Redesign from California State University ($75k).
  4. Multimedia: I have many photos and videos which appear online. You may visit my website: or look at my YouTube channel (340,000 views):
  5. Inventor:  Together with fellow graduate student Tom Hughes, I invented a toy called “StrobeFX”, a spinning LED light toy, which we licensed to a toy manufacturer in 2003.  They recently stopped production, but not before selling over one million of these toys! (Tom and I like to brag that from this toy we have made “hundreds and hundreds of dollars!”) I use this toy frequently in my classroom demonstrations and tell our story of inventing and licensing to my students.


  1. Dr. David Kleinfeld, University of California at San Diego.
  2. Dr. Phil Tsai, University of California at San Diego.
  3. Dr. Luis de Araujo, Campinas, Brazil.
  4. Dr. Jan Chaloupka, University of Northern Colorado.

Graduate Advisor

Michael G. Raymer, Department of Physics, University of Oregon.

Postdoctoral Sponsor

            Ian A. Walmsley, Institute of Optics, University of Rochester (currently at Oxford).

Thesis Advisor (my graduate students, last 5 years) Total graduate students: 13, Postdocs: 0

  1. Oxana Kazarina, SDSU, M. S. 2014, Cymer, San Diego.
  2. Whitley Greene, SDSU, M. S. 2014, Cymer, San Diego.
  3. Mark Mitry, SDSU, M. S. 2013, Cymer, San Diego.
  4. Heath Bigman, SDSU, M. S. 2012, Cymer, San Diego.
  5. Cory Stinson, SDSU, M. S. 2011, Cymer, San Diego.