Matthew E. Anderson, Ph.D.
Professor of Physics
Diego State University
5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA
phone: (619)
594-2468 e-mail:
of Philosophy, 1998
Physics, University of Oregon
Department of Physics and Oregon Center for Optics, Eugene,
of Science, 1990
Physics, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California.
Professor: Department of Physics, San Diego
State University (2006 – present).
Professor: University of Oxford (June 2007 -
Jan 2008).
Professor: Department of Physics, San Diego
State University (2000 – 2006).
Fellow: The Institute of Optics, University
of Rochester (1998-2000).
Ian A. Walmsley (presently at the University of Oxford).
Instructor, University of Rochester, Spring 1999.
Instructor, Rochester Institute of Technology, Fall 1998.
Student: Department of Physics, The
University of Oregon (1990-1997)
Adviser: Michael G. Raymer.
Research Assistant, University of Oregon, 1993 - 1997.
Graduate Teaching Fellow, University of Oregon, 1990-1993.
SDSU College of Sciences Research
Senator: SDSU Senate (2006 - present).
Director: SDSU Society of Physics Students.
Member: Distinguished Traveling Lecturer
Committee, Optical Society of America, American Physical Society.
Reviewer: Physical Review, Applied Physics,
Optics Letters, Optics Express, Applied Optics, National Science Foundation,
American Chemical Society.
1. Ò2010 Oustanding Physics Faculty,Ó award designated by
the Department Chair.
2. Ò2007 Outstanding Faculty Award,Ó this award is given
annually to one professor in the SDSU Department of Physics.
3. Ò2004
Excellence in Teaching Award,Ó sponsored by Northrop Grumman. This award is given annually to one
professor in the SDSU College of Sciences.
4. Ò2004 Outstanding Faculty Award,Ó this award is given
annually to one professor in the SDSU Department of Physics.
- ÒThe tractorm beam: Generating vortex laser rings
to trap and move particles,Ó PI: Matt Anderson, SDSU University Grants
Program ($9048) submitted Oct 2010.
- ÒSculpting white-light femtosecond vortices for
applications to nonlinear propagation, microscopy, and trapping,Ó PI: Matt
Anderson, National Science Foundation ($337,678), submitted Sep 2010.
- ÒSculpting vortex fields in femtosecond lasers
and cold atoms,Ó Matt Anderson and Michael Bromley, San Diego Foundation
Blasker ($74,600), submitted Feb 2010.
- ÒIGERT: Catalytic Approaches to Sustainable
Energy,Ó PI: Doug Grotjahn, SDSU Chemistry, participant: Matt Anderson.
Submitted to NSF 2009.
- ÒExploring the quantum nature of light with a 2D
spatial light modulator,Ó San Diego Foundation ($66,830), status: awarded
- ÒStudying blue-light induced red absorption with
shaped ultrashort laser pulses,Ó submitted to SDSU Research, Scholarship,
and Creative Activity Award ($4500) 9/25/03, status: awarded 11/10/03.
- "Studying material ablation with temporal
sequences of ultrashort laser pulses," submitted to The American
Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, ($35,000) 5/15/03, status:
awarded 11/19/03.
- "Theoretical Analysis, Exploratory Studies
and Technical Services," submitted to DOD Space and Naval Warfare
Systems Command by the SDSU Foundation with Dr. Lowell Burnett (program
manager) and Dr. Matt Anderson (associate program manager), ($10,246,186),
status: awarded 9/5/03.
- ÒMeasuring blue pulses with SPIDER,Ó submitted to
SDSU International Travel Grant for travel to Oxford University ($3000),
status: awarded 7/1/03.
- ÒStudying blue-light induced red absorption with shaped
ultrashort laser pulses,Ó submitted to Research Corporation Cottrell
College Science Award ($38,074), status: awarded 5/13/02.
- ÒThe
physics of optical breakdown in transparent materials using ultrashort
laser pulses,Ó submitted to SDSU Faculty Grant-In-Aid ($3,775), status:
awarded 1/11/02.
- ÒThe physics of optical breakdown in transparent
materials using ultrashort laser pulses,Ó submitted to SDSU Research,
Scholarship, and Creative Activity Award ($4,995), status: awarded
- "Using ultrashort pulsed lasers for
refractive eye surgery," submitted to San Diego Foundation Blasker
Grant ($42,650) status: awarded 5/16/01.
- ÒFun with Optics: Demos to Local K-12,Ó submitted
to Optical society of America Activity Grant ($1,000), status:
awarded 2/9/01.
- ÒA novel system for controlling and analyzing
ultrafast laser beam alignment,Ó submitted to SDSU Faculty Grant-In-Aid
($4,000), status: awarded 1/29/01.
- ÒPhysics on ultrafast time scales,Ó submitted to
SDSU Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Award ($4,250), status:
awarded 12/11/2000.
- Startup from SDSU ($100,000), status: awarded
- ÒGold-SPIDER: spectral phase interferometry for
direct electric field reconstruction utilizing sum-frequency generation
from a gold surface,Ó Matthew E. Anderson, Tobias Witting, and Ian A.
Walmsley, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 25,
pp. A13-A16 (2008).
- ÒSPIDER:A decade of measuring ultrashort pulses,Ó
M.E. Anderson, A. Monmayrant, S.-P. Gorza, P. Wasylczyk, I.A. Walmsley,
Laser Physics Letters 5,
259-266 (2008).
- ÒTwo-photon absorption and blue-light induced red
absorption in LiTaO3 waveguides,Ó Andy Carson and Matthew E. Anderson, J.
Opt. Soc. Am. B 23, 1129-1136
- ÒSimplified Spectral Phase Interferometry for
Direct Electric-field Reconstruction using a thick nonlinear crystal,Ó
Aleksandr S. Radunsky, Ellen M. Kosik Williams, Matthew E. Anderson ,
Piotr Wasylczyk, Wojciech Wasilewski, Alfred B. U'Ren, and Ian A.
Walmsley, Opt. Lett. 31,
1008-1010 (2006).
- ÒCompressing femtosecond laser pulses
non-iteratively,Ó Matthew E. Anderson, Josh Thornes, and Phillip Poon,
Optics & Photonics News, ÒOptics in 2004,Ó 15, 43, (December 2004).
- ÒAll-reflective automated beam alignment device for
ultrafast lasers,Ó M. Anderson and C. Ward, Am. J. Phys. 72, 1347-1350 (2004) and in the Virtual Journal of
Ultrafast Science Vol 3 Issue 10,, (October 2004).
- "Single-iteration compression of femtosecond
laser pulses," J. Thornes, P. Poon, and M. E. Anderson, J. Opt. Soc.
Am. B 21, 1387 (2004) and in
the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science Vol 3 Issue 8,, (August 2004).
- ÒMeasuring ultrashort optical pulses in the
presence of noise: an empirical study of the performance of spectral phase
interferometry for direct electric field reconstruction,Ó Steven Jensen
and Matthew E. Anderson, Appl. Opt. 43, 883 (2004).
- ÒEfficient implementation of the
Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm,Ó P. Londero, C. Dorrer, M. E. Anderson, S.
Wallentowitz, K. Banaszek and I. A. Walmsley, Phys. Rev. A 69, 010302(R) (2004) and in the Virtual Journal of
Quantum Information Vol 4 Issue 1, (January 2004).
- "Measuring ultrafast pulses in the
near-ultraviolet using spectral phase interferometry for direct electric
field reconstruction," P. Londero, M. E. Anderson, C. Radzewicz, C.
Iaconis, and I. A. Walmsley, Journal of Modern Optics 50, 179 (2003).
- ÒSo you want to be a professor! Tales from an academic job
search.Ó M. E. Anderson, Physics Today special issue on Careers and
Physicists, 54, 50 (April
- "Precision and Accuracy of Ultrashort
Optical Pulse Measurement Using SPIDER," E. M. Kosik, M. E. Anderson,
L. E. E. de Araujo, and I. A. Walmsley, Springer series in chemical
physics. 66, (2000) 120-122.
- ÒThe
effects of noise on ultrashort optical pulse reconstruction using SPIDER,Ó
M. E. Anderson, L. E. E. de Araujo, E. M. Kosik
and I. A. Walmsley, Appl. Phys. B. 70, S85-S93 (2000).
- ÒReal-Time Optical Pulse Characterization Using
SPIDER,Ó M. E. Anderson, T. M. Shuman, C. Iaconis
and I. A. Walmsley, Optics & Photonics NewsÕ Optics in Ô99
issue, p. 45 (Dec. 1999).
- ÒReal-time SPIDER: ultrashort optical pulse
measurement at 20 Hz,Ó T. M. Shuman, M. E. Anderson,
J. Bromage, C. Iaconis, L. Waxer and
I. A. Walmsley, Optics Express 5, 134 (1999).
- "Spectral Phase Interferometry for Direct
Electric Field Reconstruction of Ultrashort Optical Pulses" C.
Iaconis, M. E. Anderson, I. A. Walmsley, Springer series in chemical
physics. 63, (1998)103.
- ÒPulsed squeezed-light generation in c(2) nonlinear waveguides,Ó
M. E. Anderson, D. F. McAlister,
M. G. Raymer and M. C. Gupta,
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 14, 3180 (1997).
- "High-efficiency, ultrafast photon-number
statistics from phase-averaged homodyne detection," M. Munroe, D.
Boggavarapu, M. E. Anderson, U. Leonhardt and M. G. Raymer, Coherence and
Quantum Optics VII, edited by J. Eberly, L. Mandel, and E. Wolf, pp. 53-62
(Plenum, New York, 1996).
- ÒQuadrature squeezing with ultrashort pulses in
nonlinear-optical waveguides,Ó M. E. Anderson, M. Beck,
M. G. Raymer and J. D. Bierlein, Opt. Lett. 20, 620 (1995).
- ÒPhoton-number statistics from the phase-averaged
quadrature-field distribution: Theory and ultrafast measurement,Ó M.
Munroe, D. Boggavarapu, M. E. Anderson and M. G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A Rap.
Comm. 52, R924 (1995).
Barbell Safety Collar,Ó Inventor Matthew E. Anderson, Provisional Patent
submitted May 21, 2007.
and methods for continuous and/or selective production of multiple light
displays,Ó U. S. Patent 6,882,117, Inventors Thomas A. Hughes and Matthew E.
Anderson, issued April 19, 2005.
multicolored light source,Ó U.S. Patent 5,844,377, Inventors Matthew E.
Anderson and Thomas A. Hughes, issued Dec. 1, 1998.
1. ÒSecond harmonic generation of femtosecond vortex
beams with a programmable pulse shaper,Ó proceedings of the Optical Society of
America Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA, October 2009.
2. ÒBlue-Light Induced Red Absorption in LiTaO3
Waveguides Using Ultrashort Laser Pulses,Ó Andrew J. Carson, Charlie Barnes,
Matthew E. Anderson, proceedings of the Optical Society of America Annual Meeting,
p. JWD126, Rochester, New York, October 2006.
3. ÒFemtosecond Coherent Control of Two-Photon Absorption
in Cesium,Ó Charlie Barnes, Matthew E. Anderson, proceedings of the Optical
Society of America Annual Meeting, p. FTuF4, Rochester, New York, October 2006.
4. ÒCompressing femtosecond pulses in a single iteration
in real time,Ó Andrew J. Carson, Charlie Barnes, Joshua J. Thornes, Matthew E.
Anderson, proceedings of the Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, p.
FThL4, Rochester, New York, October 2004.
5. ÒSurface ablation of transparent materials using
temporally shaped ultrashort laser pulses,Ó J. Thornes, C. Barnes, A. Carson,
and M. Anderson, proceedings of the Optical Society of America Annual Meeting,
p. ThP3, Tucson, Arizona, October 2003.
6. ÒQuantum oracles and the optical Bernstein-Vazirani
algorithm,Ó Ian A. Walmsley, Pablo Londero, Christophe Dorrer, Matthew
Anderson, Sascha Wallentowitz, and Konrad Banaszek, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt.
Eng. 4829, 618 (2003).
7. ÒComputing with Waves: All-Optical Single-Query 50-Element Database Search,Ó C.
Dorrer, M. Anderson, P. Londero, S. Wallentowitz, K. Banaszek and I. Walmsley,
proceedings of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics, (Optical Society of
America, 2001).
8. ÒThe effects of noise on ultrashort optical pulse
measurement using SPIDER,Ó Kosik EM, Anderson ME, de-Araujo LEE, Walmsley IA.
Presented at Trends in Optics and Photonics. Twelfth International Conference
on Ultrafast Phenomena Vol.43. Technical Digest. Postconference Edition. 9 -13
July 2000 Charleston, SC, USA (2000).
9. ÒReal-time measurement of ultrashort optical pulses
using SPIDER,Ó Shuman TM, Anderson ME, Bromage J, Waxer LJ, Walmsley IA,
Iaconis C. Presented at Technical Digest. Summaries of papers presented at the
Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics. Postconference Edition. CLEO '99.
Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics. 23-28 May 1999 Baltimore, MD, USA
10. ÒGeneration and measurement of nonclassical states of
molecules,Ó Walmsley IA, Waxer L, Anderson M, de-Araujo L, Radzewicz C.,
Presented at Technical Digest. Summaries of papers presented at the Quantum
Electronics and Laser Science Conference. 23-28 May 1999 Baltimore, MD, USA
11. ÒPropagation of Wigner coherence functions in multiple
scattering media,Ó M. G. Raymer, C. Cheng, D. M. Toloudis, M. Anderson, and M.
Beck, in Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Migration, pp. 236-238 (Optical
Society of America, 1996).
12. ÒUltrafast balanced-homodyne chronocyclic
spectrometer,Ó M. E. Anderson, M. Munroe, U. Leonhardt, D. Boggavarapu, D. F.
McAlister and M. G. Raymer, proceedings of Generation, Amplification, and
Measurement of Ultrafast Laser Pulses III, San Jose, SPIE Vol. 2701, pp.
142-151 (1996).
13. ÒPhoton number statistics in the strong coupling
regime of semiconductor cavity QED,Ó D. Boggavarapu, D. F. McAlister, M. E.
Anderson, M. Munroe, M. G. Raymer, G. Khitrova and H. Gibbs, proceedings of XX
International Quantum Electronics Conference, paper ML5 (Optical Society of
America, July 1996).
14. ÒUltrafast photon statistics of normal mode coupling
in a semiconductor microcavity,Ó D. Boggavarapu, D. F. McAlister, M. E.
Anderson, M. Munroe, M. G. Raymer, H. Gibbs and G. Khitrova, proceedings of
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference Vol 9, p. 33 (Optical Society
of America, June 1996).
15. ÒSqueezing in waveguides,Ó M. E. Anderson and M. G.
Raymer, proceedings of Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, (Optical
Society of America, 1996 ).
16. ÒHigh-efficiency, ultrafast photon-number statistics
from phase-averaged homodyne detection,Ó M. Munroe, D. Boggavarapu, M. E.
Anderson, U. Leonhardt and M. G. Raymer, proceedings of the Rochester Coherence
and Quantum Optics Conference (1995).
17. ÒParametric amplification and squeezing in
quasi-phase-matched waveguides,Ó M. E. Anderson, M. Beck, M. G. Raymer and J.
D. Bierlein, proceedings of Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications,
(Optical Society of America, 1995).
18. ÒUltrafast, time-resolved photon number statistics,Ó
M. Munroe, D. Boggavarapu, M. E. Anderson, and M. G. Raymer, proceedings of
Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, (Optical Society of America,
19. ÒImaging through scattering media using pulsed
homodyne detection,Ó M. Beck, M. E. Anderson and M. G. Raymer, proceedings of
Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Migration, Vol 21 p. 257, Orlando
20. ÒMeasurement of the Wigner function in quantum
optics,Ó M. G. Raymer, D. T. Smithey, M. Beck, M. E. Anderson and D. F.
McAlister, proceedings of the Third International Wigner Symposium, Oxford
(Sep. 1993).
1. ÒLaserfest 2010 (Strangers in the Night),Ó
(co-creator) Laserfest Grand Prize winner, available on YouTube, 2010.
2. ÒWave Pendulum,Ó a short video demonstration of 15
oscillators of varying period.
Available on YouTube, 2009.
3. ÒFire Extinguisher Rocket,Ó a short video
demonstration of momentum conservation using a fire extinguisher and a
skateboard. Available on YouTube,
4. ÒThe DiVincenzo Code,Ó (director) a humorous quantum
computing science fiction movie.
Filmed at Oxford University, available on YouTube, 2008.
5. ÒWhite light generation in water using ultrashort,
near-infrared laser pulses,Ó M. E. Anderson, After Image Photograph,
Optics and Photonics News (August, 1996).
- ÒSo you want to be a professor!Ó invited
panelist, 2nd Annual UC San Diego Ph.D. Career Conference, May 2010.
- ÒSo you want to be a professor!Ó invited
panelist, 1st Annual UC San Diego Ph.D. Career Conference, May 2009.
- ÒI have an interview, now what?Ó invited
panelist, UCSD Career Services Center, Aug 2008.
- ÒGenerating femtosecond vortex beams with a
programmable pulse shaper,Ó invited talk at CICESE Departmento de Optica,
Ensenada, Mexico, May 2008.
- ÒBetter
check your pulse! Ultrafast lasers, pulse shaping, and measurement,Ó
invited colloquium speaker to the Physics Department, University of
Oregon, Feb 2008.
- ÒTo the PhD and beyond! The road to academia,Ó invited talk to the graduate
students at the Physics Department, University of Oregon, Feb 2008.
- ÒGenerating femtosecond vortex beams with a
programmable pulse shaper,Ó invited talk to the Ulrafast Group, University
of Oxford, England, July 2007.
- ÒThose Wacky Photons,Ó invited colloquium
speaker to Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Cal State Los Angeles, Nov
- ÒTo the PhD and beyond! The road to academia,Ó invited talk to CAM 2005
(Canadian-American-Mexican Graduate Student Conference) San Diego, Aug
- ÒMeasuring ultrashort laser pulses in a noisy
world,Ó invited colloquium speaker at CICESE Departmento de Optica,
Ensenada, Mexico, April 2005.
- ÒMeasuring ultrashort laser pulses in a noisy
world,Ó invited talk to the Optical Society of San Diego, held at SDSU,
June 2004.
- ÒLasers,Ó invited talk to SDSU
College of Sciences Luncheon, 2002.
- ÒPulse measurement in an
ultrafast world,Ó invited talk at the New Laser Scientists Conference,
Long Beach 2001.
- ÒFemtosecond lasers,Ó
invited talk to Quantum
Magnetics, San Diego 2001.
- Dr. Jan Chaloupka, University of Northern
- Dr. Barry Hanan, SDSU Dept. of Geology.
- Dr. Tim Day, CEO of Daylight Solutions, Poway,
- Dr. Antoine Monmayrant, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse,
- Dr. Simon-Pierre Gorza, Service OPERA-photonique,
Universit libre deBruxelles, Belgium
- Dr. Piotr Wasylczyk, Insitute of Experimental
Physics, Warsaw University, Poland
- Dr. Chunlei Guo, Institute of Optics, University
of Rochester, New York
- Dr. Ian Walmsley, Clarendon Laboratory,
University of Oxford, UK
- Dr. Robert Boyd, Institute of Optics, University
of Rochester, New York
- Dr. Alfred UÕren, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
- Dr. Kevin OÕDonnell, CICESE, Ensenada, Mexico
- Dr. Christophe Dorrer, Laboratory for Laser
Energetics, Rochester, New York
- Dr. Michael Raymer, Department of Physics,
University of Oregon
- Dr. Mool Gupta, Applied Research Center, Old
Dominion University, Virginia
- Dr. Ali Adibi, Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Georgia Tech
- Dr. Phil Battle, AdvR Applied Photonics, Bozeman,
- Introductory Physics
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Introduction to Optics
- Advanced Optics and Lasers
STUDENTS (and current location)
- Cory Stinson, M. S. expected 2011.
- Heath Bigman, M. S. expected 2011.
- Mark Mitry, M. S. expected 2011.
- Danielle Doughty, B. S. expected 2011.
- Antonio Talamantes, B. S. 2010, Illumina, San
- Whitley Greene, B. S. 2010, Daylight Solutions,
San Diego.
- Jason Andreoli, B. S. 2009, Illumina, San Diego.
- Steven Swift, B. S. 2009, U.S. Navy.
- Nicolas Cusnir, M. S. 2007, Ph. D. candidate,
- Daniel Emmons, B. S. 2007, Ph. D. candidate, Air
Force Institute of Technology.
- Tim McDaniel, M. S. 2007, Ph. D. candidate,
University of Central Florida.
- Kwok Wah-Lee, M. S. 2007, Korea.
- Li Heng, M. S. 2006, Ph. D. Ph. D. candidate at
University of Cincinatti.
- Jonathan Dove, B. S. 2005, France.
- Charlie Barnes, M. S. 2005, General Atomics
Photonics Division, San Diego, CA.
- Andy Carson, M. S. 2005, Illumina, San Diego, CA.
- Josh Thornes, M. S. 2004, Cymer, San Diego, CA.
- Aleksandar Simic, B. S. 2004, Ph. D. candidate at
University of California, San Diego.
- Phillip Poon, B. S. 2003, M. S. student at
University of Rochester.
- Steve Jensen, M. S. 2001, General Atomics
Photonics Division, San Diego, CA.
- Catherine Ward, B. S. 2001, General Electric, San
Diego, CA.
- Director: SDSU Society of Physics
Students. Upon arriving at
SDSU, I was challenged to re-invigorate the undergraduate SPS. We now have approximately fifteen
members, regular meetings, barbecues, movie night, and the students offer
free tutoring to lower-division students. I am proud to say that in 2003, we received an
Outstanding Chapter Award from the National SPS Office.
- Member: Distinguished Traveling Lecturer
Committee. I serve on the DTL
Committee of the APS Division of Laser Science. We are charged with sending top-notch scientists (i.e.
Eric Cornell) to small colleges and universities that could otherwise not
afford them. During my
four-year tenure on this committee, we have found great success and
expanded the program by a factor of two.
- Outreach: High Tech
Fair, Science Olympiad, Inner Space/Outer Space. I have always been interested in bringing exciting
science demos to younger students.
The High Tech Fair is a wonderful example. Organized by the Science Alliance
of San Diego, it attracts 3000 high school students to engage in
scientific demonstrations with local industry and academia. Our SDSU Physics booth includes
handing out free holographic diffraction goggles and a demonstration on
turning light into sound. I
also served as a co-director for the Holography Booth at the APS
Centennial Meeting in Atlanta, March 1999, which was part of the APS
Centennial Exhibit, sponsored by the Division of Laser Science. At this exhibit, we made hundreds
of personal-item holograms with visitors, to rave reviews.
- Presentation assignment: In my graduate optics
course, part of the curriculum includes an oral presentation. The students pick a topic and then
work closely with me to prepare a PowerPoint presentation to the rest of
the class. I feel that
presentation skills are all too often overlooked in physics
preparation. By including
this, I am trying to make a simple yet positive impact on my studentsÕ
- Media committee: In an effort to bring science
topics to the general public, I serve on the College of Sciences Media
Committee. Together we draft
radio spots for the Dean which air on KPBS (local station which carries
NPR). We have received very
positive feedback over the past year.