A selection of some of our favorite research images over time. The following images show student involvement in our different research fields which include Condense Matter Physics, Computational Physics, Environmental Physics, Optics, Physics Education, and Medical Physics.
April 2011
Some of our Physics Undergraduates and Masters in Radiological Health Physics students who presented their research at the 2011 SDSU Student Research Symposium.
March 2011
Some of our Masters in physics (1 astronomy!) research students who presented their research at the 2011 SDSU Student Research Symposium.
January 2011
Dr. Shirish Jani and recent Masters graduates, Karmen Li and Sarah Glazebrook, and Casey Abing, with the BrainLab Novalis Linear Accelerator.
March 2010
Some of our Undergraduate and Masters physics research students who presented their research at the 2010 SDSU Student Research Symposium.
November 2009
Masters student Casey Abing checking the laser alignment on a BrainLab Novalis Linear Accelerator using a head and neck phantom.
October 2009
Dr. T preparing a uranium compound for single crystal growth using the plasma arc furnace, of course. Masters student Kimberly Grice on-looking.
June 2009
Spring 2009 Graduation Day! Prof. Matt Anderson with BSc students: Stephen Swift, John Staback, Rita Philavanh, Aaron Taylor and MSc student: Casey Abing.
May 2009
Flashback to circa 1980: Senior students Mark Garrett, Jesus Valera, Ellen Ochoa and Prof. Davis looking at a 300 kG pulsed magnet that Jesus used for his senior thesis.
February 2009
Dr. Shirish Jani, and recent Masters graduate Karmen Li, analyzing the dose volume histogram of a prostate cancer patient using a BrainLab treatment planning system
December 2008
A cartoon of a network of self associating polymers.
November 2008
Masters student Casey Abing and recent Masters graduate Sarah Glazebrook evaluating on a head and neck treatment planning system.
October 2008
Atom Interferometry using a Bose-Einstein Condensate: spacetime plots of the atom density when launched in opposite directions around a circular waveguide that is not tilted / tilted under gravity (calculations by M.C.Kandes).
September 2008
Recent Masters graduate, Karmen Li, checking the laser alignment on the BrainLab Novalis Linear Accelerator using a head and neck phantom. Watched on with interest by Dr. P.Winnifred.
Summer 2008
Morphological variability of human tibia from high resolution magnetic resonance imaging data from 10 subjects. Potential applications are in detection of deviations from normal anatomy and the creation of bone models for knee replacement surgeries. Image provided courtesy of UCLA PhD student Hussain Tameem (supervised by Usha Sinha at SDSU).
April 2008
Testing of a 3 coil arrangement to cancel out the Earth’s magnetic field in Doc Morris’ Lab.
March 2008
Loading liquid nitrogen and helium into the Dept’s state-of-the-art PPMS system (The ‘Physical Property Measurement System’ is made by Quantum Design, who are based in San Diego).
February 2008
6 different PV Solar Panels (single-crystal, multi-crystal, and amorphous arrays) are located on the top of the Physics Building as part of a study of the long-term effects of the weather on the different types of panels.
October 2007
Spatial Light Modulation experiment in in Prof. Davis’s Optics Research Lab.
September 2007
Chaotic dynamics of a tumbling satellite as computed by Eunsil Baik.
August 2007
Shows the possible particle composition inside a rotating neutron star. From F.Weber, R.Negreiros, and P.Rosenfield, “Neutron Star Interiors and the Equation of State of Superdense Matter”, to appear in Springer Lecture Notes (2007).
April 2007
Cross Section of Compact Stars (approx. 10km radius) indicating their possible compositions.
March 2007
Snapshot of a femtosecond laser beam (10^-15 second duration) passed through a 2-D spatial light modulator in the Ultrafast Laser Lab.
February 2007
The CIPS project researches ways to enable teachers at all educational levels (elementary through college) teach physics more effectively.
January 2007
Immobile particles in a thin polymeric film near the glass transition. (produced in Prof. Baljon’s computers)
December 2006
Helical Ince-Gaussian Laser Beams produced in Prof. Davis’s lab.
November 2006
Annual Wind Power Density at 50m in the San Diego region.
August 2006
Former masters students, Catherine and Steven posing in the ultrafast laser lab.