Title: Low-frequency charge noise in single electron devices
Speaker: Justin Perron, CSU San Marcos
Time: 2:00 p.m., Friday, April 19 (refreshments served at 1:45 p.m.)
Place: P-148
Abstract: Single electron devices (SEDs) are nanoscale electronic devices with the remarkable ability to isolate and control individual electrons in a solid state system. The ability to control individual electrons has several potential applications including ultrasensitive charge detectors, realizations of current standards, and various qubit architectures for quantum computing. However, there are significant barriers that must be overcome before these applications can be realized. In this talk I will introduce the physics and operation of SEDs and then discuss some of our recent results investigating one such barrier, the low-frequency charge noise in these devices. Time permitting I will also discuss upcoming work we plan to do at CSUSM with our new cryogen-free dilution refrigeration system.