Astrophysics provides a natural avenue for science education since most students are deeply touched by natural wonders of the sky and the Universe. Dr. Weber is stimulating this interest by presenting multimedia lectures on the birth and evolution of stars, black holes, the universe to elementary, middle and high school students and teachers in San Diego County since 2005.
Together with students and teachers from Granger Junior High School in National City, Dr. Weber build a very simple but functioning cloud chamber capable to detect atmospheric muons. The functioning cloud chamber was presented to the general public at the second San Diego Science Festival, held on 27 April 2010. For more information on SDSU outreach, contact the department office.
Outreach to teachers
The New Physics Teachers workshop organized by the Southern California section of American Association of Physics Teachers (SCAAPT) was conducted on January 13th, 2018 in the Physics Department at San Diego State University. The whole day workshop was conducted by Mr. James Lincoln, SCAAPT workshop director and co-director, Mr. William Layton. Prof. Kuznetsova from the Physics Department was the faculty overseeing the workshop and she was assisted by her graduate student, Mr. Shouxun Wang. The workshop, focused on Electricity and Magnetism included lectures and demonstrations, and was attended by 28 new high school physics teachers. It was a success and we hope to host this as a recurring annual event.