Speaker: Dr. Michael McNitt-Gray, Professor of Radiology and Director of the Biomedical Physics Graduate Program at UCLA.

Topic: “Computed Tomography: Past, Present and Future”

Time: 11:30 am, Friday, February 14, 2014

Place: P-148 (refreshments will be served at 11:15 in P-145A)



The first clinical X-ray CT exam occurred in October 1971 in the UK. In the 40+ years since then, there have been tremendous advances in CT technology – more powerful generators, x-ray tubes, faster gantries which can spin at several rotations per second, large detector arrays, etc. These advances led to a remarkable array of clinical applications, some of which must have been unimaginable to Hounsfield, Cormack and others who developed those early scanners: cardiac scans so fast that heart motion is negligible, scans so fast pediatric patients are scanned with little or no sedation, and nearly every Emergency Department has a CT scanner in it or nearby. In this talk we will discuss some of the recent developments in CT and the current role of medical physics in the clinical application of these techniques.