Medical Physics focuses on applying physics based solutions to solving problems in the area of medicine.
Research areas in this program can be broadly classified into two areas:
- Radiation therapy physics
- Diagnostic imaging physics
Dr. Tambasco is interested in the following areas of research: The development of a rapid and accurate patient-specific dose calculation method that uses CT voxel data to compute absorbed radiation dose patients receive from kV x-ray imaging and therapy; 2) Radiobiology studies to investigate compounds that may increase the therapeutic ratio of radiation therapy; 3) Evaluating the diagnostic and prognostic value of image analysis techniques applied to pathology tissue specimens of various cancers; 4) Investigating fractal analysis as a quantitative index for the degree of modulation of IMRT fields.
The areas of interest pursued in Dr. Sinha’s lab include: 1) Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Musculoskeletal system with focus on diffusion and strain rate tensor imaging of muscle; 2) Tensor based morphometric analysis of cross-sectional differences and longitudinal changes in cartilage in subjects with osteoarthritis; 3) Technical improvements in voxel based analysis of diffusion tensor indices and white matter fiber atlases–application to neurological conditions; 4) Relaxometry based 3D gel dosimetry for evaluation of dose distributions in deformable phantoms.
For more information contact Dr. Usha Sinha.